The EPSMA wishes all of its members and colleagues a happy and safe 2024
In this Issue:
- 2023 Q4 AGM and management committee meeting
- Bernhard Erdl steps down as EPSMA Chairman
- New EPSMA Chairman Michael Raspotnig
- EPSMA works with ZVEI to influence proposed changes to safety and energy-using equipment standards
- Paul Lee to step down as secretariat administrator in 2024
- EPSMA presents to CENELEC TC-22X committee plenary meeting
- EPSMA to present joint webinar with PSMA on 'over-voltage categories'
Notes from the Secretariat
EPSMA AGM November 7th 2023
Eleven members attended the AGM in Munich at PULS headquarters.
Bernhard Erdl formally stepped down as Chairman and Michael Raspotnig, also of PULS was elected unanimously as his replacement. Bernhard has served for 24 years as Chairman and is warmly thanked for his contribution to the organisation.
Paul Lee also announced that he would step down as secretariat administrator in 2024. A good replacement candidate has been found based in the UK and he will attend the February MC meeting to introduce himself.
The meeting discussed the proposals by CENELEC to disallow derating at low mains voltage in safety testing to IEC 62368-1 and probably IEC 61010. The EPSMA is working with ZVEI and EPSMA member SiQ to liaise with the CENELEC committee to minimize the impact on equipment and power supply manufacturers.
The EPSMA is also working with ZVEI to represent industry for proposed changes to EU 2019/1782 which might require commercial and industrial equipment to meet 'consumer' levels of standby and no-load losses, affecting some EPSMA members significantly.
(Post meeting) The EC is also intending to specify a minimum 'durability' or MTBF for external power supplies in regulation EU 2019/1782. This affects come EPSMA members directly and again the EPSMA is working with ZVEI to advise the EU what is reasonable and practical
Dr Alfredo Medina-Garcia of Infineon gave an interesting presentation 'A flexible digital platform IC enables fast Innovation to Market' This can be seen in the members' area of the website.
Technical Committee activities
The TC is expecting to present a 'Statement of Work' for the proposed paper on EMI standards at the next MC meeting February 6th in Munich.
It is likely that a next project will be to identify requirements and methodology for determination of carbon footprint of power supply products.
Minutes for the meeting are available in the website members' area.
Paul lee for the EPSMA presented to the plenary meeting of CENELEC committee TX22ZX on 12th December on EPSMA activities in the year.
The EPSMA will co-host and present a webinar on the EPSMA paper 'Overvoltage categories and their implication in the design of power supplies'. The webinar is provisionally January 23rd. EPSMA members will receive an invitation in due course.
We have a ’Linkedin’ forum for members to use and a data base of UL non-conformances for members to log their observations. Contact the secretariat for more details.
CE Marking Issues forum
Remember we have a forum for issues members have with “CE” marking. If you would like to share problems (and resolutions!) With other members, please contact the secretariat with details.
Upcoming events:
Click the text for links
- Joint webinar with PSMA on EPSMA paper on Over Voltage Categories. 24th January, details TBA
- IMAPS - European Advanced Technology Workshop on Micropackaging and Thermal Management
31st Jan 24 LA Rochelle France - Next EPSMA MC meeting PULS HQ Munich Feb 6th 23
2024 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC)
Long Beach Ca 25th Feb 23