In this Issue:

  • 2021 Q2 MC meeting
  • April TC meeting and presentations
  • Concerns over materials declarations

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Notes from the Secretariat

Welcome to the Summer 2021 EPSMA newsletter. Another summer and the pandemic is still with us, but with encouraging signs of higher vaccination levels. I know many in the power industry have contributed with increased production of medical grade products with excess end products now going to poorer countries. Hopefully this has made some difference.

From the EPSMA, look out for a new high-level 'Mission Statement' to be agreed.

Q2 2021 MC meeting 

The second management meeting of the year was held in April, again by teleconference.
There was general agreement that the EPSMA should try to cooperate more with the PSMA and the secretariat has some actions to progress this, including the possibility of co-hosting webinars.
TC chairman Vlad Grigore gave a summary of the TC meeting held on the 22nd April which is descibed below.
The meeting discussed some member concerns about the increased level of material declarations required with new rules from the US and EU coming into force. Friedrich Haunschild from Puls gave an informative presentation on the subject which can be seen in the members' area of the website.
Full minutes of the meeting can be seen in the members' area.

The next MC meeting will be a conference call on Friday 10th September.

TC meeting April 21

Of the two proposed new TC projects, 'EMI standards' was thought to be too wide-ranging so the other, 'Overvoltage categories and their implication in the specification of power supplies' will be addressed first.
Other subjects discussed:

  • Availablity of MOSFET body diode characteristics
  • Standardisation of GaN and SiC data sheet parameters
  • Additions to EPSMA publication 'Accuracy Efficiency Measurements'
  • Collaboration possibilities with PSMA
  • Update of CENELEC TC108 work
  • Necessity for 2 or 1 Y-capacitors

Presentations were given to the TC:

  • 'Protective devices, especially varistors, and standards' By Michael Fluege, TDK Electronics
  • 'EMC chokes' By Martin Neudecker, TDK Electronics
  • 'CENELEC TC108 work' By Bostjan Glavic, SiQ

These presentations can be seen in the members area along with the meeting minutes.



We have a ’Linkedin’ forum for members to use and a data base of UL non-conformances for members to log their observations. Contact the secretariat for more details.

CE Marking Issues forum

Remember we have a forum for issues members have with “CE” marking. If you would like to share problems (and resolutions!) With other members, please contact the secretariat with details.